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11 May, 2023

How Can Startups Use an Access Control System?

Protecting your business. It is what every business owner, big, or small, is the most worried about. Business operations are becoming more and more complicated as more stakeholders, competition, technology, etc. have entered the picture. Big companies, which, till now, employed traditional security measures are shifting to an access control system to tackle the issue of security at their large premises. This shift is surely a tedious one but foolproof in the long run. For start-ups with limited budgets, one of the best ways to avoid this elaborate transition in their future is to establish the concept of a door access control system early on in their business.

What is access control system?

A door access control system restricts unauthorized people from opening doors and gaining access to the area on the other side. When you define access control system operations in an office setting, you can either have PINs or passwords that allow you to open the door, or you can remotely authorize entries at the door from your cabin. Overall, access control systems give you complete control over who can enter or exit your office premises.

Not only that, but certain advanced access control systems also store digital records of each access activity. You can check who came in at what time, and if they exited after their purpose at your office was over. Compared to a monitoring system involving manpower, an access control system presents a much more extensive security solution.

The reason why we are insistent on small businesses and startups having the access control system setup is that in these harsh times, you cannot ignore the possibility of your company assets being stolen or tampered with, or your office premises being breached. Understanding how a door access control system works is the first step towards recognizing its relevance for your business.

Access Control System: How It Works

The fundamental components of an access control system are:

  1. Door
  2. Electronic Lock
  3. Controller

There are many types of access control systems out there. So, if your door access control system uses cards to allow entry, you would need cards and card readers as well. For a system that reads passwords, you would need a keypad attached to the lock. If you have installed a biometric access control system, there would be a biometric scanner on the door. This scanner will take your biometrics and send them to the controller which will then signal the electronic lock on the door to open or remain shut, as per the authorization rules programmed into the system. The same process applies to the former two types of access control systems as well.

An access control system can cover multiple doors. You can add more controllers and cover more office areas as per your requirements. The most significant advantage you as a business owner have is that no physical keys are required. The security risk associated with lost or stolen keys is completely eliminated.

The main software of the access control system can be programmed to add or delete users and customize access permissions. For a startup, this function can seem unnecessary as they have less staff and comparatively smaller office space. However, when the time comes to expand, you will not have to invest in a brand-new security setup from scratch. Your existing access control system can be configured to suit your needs. Basically, most access control systems nowadays are scalable.

Access Control for Startups and SMEs

We will not get into details here about the advancements made in this technology. But in short, there are several access management options available in the market today for companies of all scales and sizes. From using computer network systems to just personal mobile devices, access control has become quite affordable and accessible even for startups and SMEs.

A small-scale solution that can adequately handle essential access control functions and is user-friendly would be a great choice for small businesses. Since startups would normally not have the space for setting up the hardware infrastructure that access management requires, a cloud-based data-saving system can save such businesses a lot of money and effort. Access control system manufacturers now make a mobile-based system for offices with fewer employees and smaller office spaces. This kind of setup is appropriate for beginners who can later decide to upgrade and expand their existing access control system when they start growing.

Market Watch

The Indian market is rapidly consuming access control solutions owing to a number of reasons. Increasing cyber-attacks, hybrid/freelancing work profiles, dependence on mobile devices, and many more reasons have made adopting new technology inevitable for businesses if they want to stay secure and ahead of the curve.

More Than Just Security

For small companies just starting out, maintaining compliance is one of the most important priorities. It establishes trust with stakeholders and consumers. Not only manufacturing or production, but meeting operational regulatory requirements is also very necessary. One of these operational requirements is security. With budgetary constraints, managing security risks can become challenging. One security incident and the company’s reputation might take a huge hit that would cost the business a lot. An access control system will save the business from such a disaster and reinforce trust, resulting in business success.

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